The War on IntellIGence
With the outpouring of news headlines on tech companies, software releases, sci-fi films, and breakthrough technological innovations, we could call 2023 the “Year of Artificial Intelligence.” AI, a digital network which collects, arranges, and displays vast pools of data, is becoming more and more accessible to the common person. While some may view these technological advances as life-enriching and evolutionary, I see these so-called advances as quite the opposite: life-depleting and degenerative.
What happens to a brain which doesn’t use its capacity to think? What happens when we outsource our basic mental functions like memorizing, questioning, troubleshooting, convergent and divergent thinking, and more to technological tools which handle it for us?
Our intellectual capacities diminish.
A muscle which isn’t exercised deteriorates. While we may gain access to incredible data sets and software which make our lives “easier,” we are sacrificing our own human evolution and human brain in the process. A system which provides everything we desire at the cost of everything that we were born with - our genius, abilities, mental capacities, etc. - doesn’t seem like a legitimate trade-off to me.
The founder of Kebtah (The Earth Center), Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig said that it was his mission to make super intelligent humans. This vision seems much more promising than that of a tech CEO whose mission is to make an artificially intelligent machine to replace humans. For us as human beings to cultivate our true intelligence, we must first begin to think in ways which are conducive to our brain’s alignment with Nature. This is where having access to a “rites of passage” becomes invaluable.
The proverbs, concepts, principles, stories, language, trials and community which are introduced in an indigenous rites of passage, or Initiation, prepares the mind, body and spirit to take on life and evolve with the challenges it presents. Modern society may sell us the idea that life is based on desires and comforts, but we all know that to build oneself, just like going to the gym, requires hard work and discipline. When you build yourself step-by-step through time-tested initiatic knowledge, at least you know that you will keep what you earn, and your evolution or degeneration won’t be left in the hands of a society which values artificial intelligence over human intelligence.
To learn more about our authentic Dogon Rites of Passage here in the west through Kebtah NJ, click here: Dogon Rites of Passage. Through our initiation process and publications, we stand with you in the fight for the preservation and cultivation of your Intelligences.