The principalities that govern the universe have a direct relationship with healing. Traditionally healers are educated to abide by these principles. The application of knowledge obtained is what an indigenous healer relies on. In nature we can observe how the concept of destruction can play a role in preservation. Without the aspect of destruction the concept of construction would not exist. If the lion did not hunt prey for food, it would not survive, and the same goes for the shark, vulture, snake, etc. Even something as simple as when we drink herbal teas we utilize destruction. The plants used to make that tea have been picked and in turn destroyed for our consumption. There is always the principle of construction and destruction at play, which is a concept called Heru-Seth.heru set.
Understanding the duality of logic and emotions is the responsibility of every traditional healer. They are not trained to rely on intuition or feelings to help the ones in need that come to them. In fact, emotions can be very dangerous when the goal is to heal a person. If someone comes to a healer seeking help and the healer can be persuaded by how the person feels, it can result in the person not receiving the help they originally came for. Oftentimes herbal medicine is not a quick fix like the pharmaceutical options we are taught to habitually use in the modern system. Traditionally painkillers and pain relievers aren't a part of the healing process. In fact, a healer anticipates pain to be a part of the process of healing. If the healer conformed to the patients request to stop the pain immediately and just gave them painkillers, would that eliminate the root of the issue? More times than not it wouldn't, and that person would just become dependent on painkillers. Healers strive to get to the bottom of a health issue so that it can either be eliminated over time or maintained to the point it doesn't interfere with that person's everyday life as much as it once did.
Heru-Seth set represents the balance between opposing forces to create harmony. One without the other will always lead to dire results. This principle applies to every human being whether we have awareness of it or not. For one to call themselves a healer it is important to be educated in the cosmic principles that govern us all. The understanding of this principle is also a way of further understanding the reality of the universe.