Everything that exists, even existence itself, was created with a goal. If the whole of existence has a goal then all things within existence have their goals too - and those goals must abide by or fit into the larger goal of existence. From the smallest atom to the largest mountain, planets near and far all have a function to play in the larger existence. This means that we as human beings have our role to play as well. We are products of Nature. As products of Nature we too come with a goal, a purpose, a role to play in our environment in order for us to fit into the larger existence. This goal is defined by our identity. Not knowing our identity leads to us acting out of alignment with our nature, disconnecting the human being from their Spirit.

But what does that mean? In the Western Society we subscribe to the ideology that we determine who we are rather than our identity being dictated to us. How can we tell the existence who we are when we came from it? This approach to life and the goals we align ourselves with then become the product of the false identities we’ve inhabited. An example of this is thinking we can control whether we are man or woman. This ideology exists because here in the West we have forgotten what the reality of a man and woman are. We’ve imposed these ideologies that being a man or woman is defined by what society thinks of you or what you think or feel about yourself and how you want to be perceived. The fact remains that despite how we feel about it, despite what may be sold to us about it from a Western/Colonial lens, our bodies are indicative of the fact that we don’t determine the characteristics that make up who we are. If you think you do, then I ask you to command your body to grow three arms. No matter how well practiced the procedures become, chopping off your penis and taking hormones doesn’t make you a woman. Turning your vagina inside out and cutting off your boobs doesn’t make you a man. There is not only a physical, but a spiritual and energetic identity that a human being is born with that we do not determine. We come into this world with it and it is to aid and help us on our journey here on Earth. 

The identity confusion isn’t only represented in relation to gender but can be seen in relation to ethnicity, occupation, sexuality and diet. How many when asked various questions of their background claim Spanish, Black or White or even speak geographically within the U.S like I’m Southern, or identify with their nationality or locality ie: Canadian or a New Yorker. How many may identify with what they get paid to do and proudly wear their profession like a title identifying as a doctor, lawyer, politician, CEO or a Boss? How many people have introduced themselves to you based on how they eat claiming they’re vegan or vegetarian. How many social media bios proudly display people identifying by the types of people they prefer to have intercourse with. What all these identities have in common is that they align with the goals of the society that institutes them. Their purpose is to perpetuate the ideological fantasies of the many who, in prescribing to them, align themselves to playing the role of the agent of the system; to further its narrative of artificial reality and encourage the many away from indigenous culture and knowledge. None of this has to do with the individual and what their spiritual purpose is here on this Earth. None this conveys that the individual has a true understanding of themselves and the reality they exist within. 

This phenomenon of the individual who thinks they can impose their perspectives on reality is an ideology that then strips from the human being what it means to be human and the understanding of how we ought to fit into the existence that came before us. Unfortunately, humans are subject to a condition where we need to be taught who we are and when the education for that is lost we are lost. Many of us today can look around at the state of humanity and sigh at the spiritual confusion and mental psychosis that is the result of functioning outside of who they truly are. We are not the colonial languages we speak, we are not the sociopolitical classifications of race, we are not a dietary restriction, we are not who we like to have sex with, we are not who we think we are.
